Scotland’s Adoption Register Regulations 2016

Closed 22 Jun 2015

Opened 30 Mar 2015

Feedback updated 11 Jan 2016

We asked

For your views on Scotland’s Adoption Register Regulations which will set out the key requirements for supplying, retaining and disclosing information to and from the Adoption Register. 

You said

A total of 33 responses were received in response to the consultation document. We analysed the consultation responses and considered the wide range of views expressed in the responses.

We did

Taking into account the range of views expressed, we have amended the regulations in line with the proposals within the consultation. The regulations are now being finalised and Ministerial approval is being sought for the proposed changes before laying the regulations on 18 January 2016 for parliamentary scrutiny. 

Results updated 28 Oct 2016


Click here to read the consultation analysis report.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Scotland's Adoption Register Regulations 2016

The Scottish Government has grant funded the British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) to run the Adoption Register since it was established in 2011. The Register has a remit to facilitate family finding across Scotland and thereby increase the numbers of placements found for children who have been identified as suitable for adoption. From a technical perspective, the Register is a database which records and stores information that is a duplication of information already held by adoption agencies.

The Register uses that information to identify potential links between children with a plan for adoption and prospective adopters. This consultation is concerned only with the Register’s core linking service. In placing the Register on a statutory footing, and requiring every adoption agency in Scotland to use it, our intention is to maximise opportunities for, and accelerate the process of, finding suitable adoption places for children for whom adoption has been identified as the most appropriate way forward.


Click here to read the full consultation document.



  • Children and Families