Consultation on the New National Health and Social Care Standards

Closed 23 Jan 2017

Opened 28 Oct 2016

Feedback updated 15 Aug 2017

We asked

For your views on the draft National Health and Social Care Standards.

You said

We received 499 responses that reflected substantial cross-sector support for the draft Standards.

The main themes from the consultation included:

  • The Standards appear to be aspirational rather than achievable in places and some of the language is vague and ambiguous and could be refined.
  • The Standards will need to be implemented in a meaningful and systematic way to ensure effectiveness.
  • The Standards could be shorter and more streamlined.

We did

The Scottish Government published the full consultation analysis 28 April 2017 and the final Standards were published 9 June 2017.

Changes were made to the draft Standards following comments received in the consultation. These changes included:

  • Making the Standards shorter and more streamlined.
  • Making each Standard less specific to certain areas (such as restricted care and early years care).
  • Making the language clearer and more suitable for people experiencing health and social care.

The Scottish Government is now working with stakeholders to ensure an effective implementation of the Standards.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Following on from the consultation of the National Care Standards in 2014, the next phase of the National Care Standards Review is to develop a set of Standards linked to the overarching Principles which were approved by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport in February 2016.

Why your views matter

We would welcome your views on the specific questions we have asked in the consultation paper. The purpose of this consultation will be to gather information from those with an interest in Health and Social Care and to use the responses in the development of the specific and general standards.

Read the consultation paper (including draft Standards) here.




What happens next

Once the consultation has closed, findings from the results will be made available to the public in a paper to be published on the Scottish Government website in Spring 2017.


  • Children and Families
  • Education
  • Public Sector
  • Health and Social Care